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All news by: David Cohen

Understanding Cyber Risks: 5 Critical Reasons for Cyber Risk Assessments

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, businesses find themselves navigating an intricate web of cyber threats, data breaches and evolving regulations. The need to secure sensitive information and protect digital assets has never been more pressing. This article sheds light on why cyber risk assessments are an indispensable tool for organisations of all sizes and industries, offering five essential reasons to consider.

Navigating the Cyber Jungle: How Not to be a Sitting Duck in the Digital Pond!

In the ever-shifting digital landscape, the terrain is as promising as it is perilous. For companies who prioritise their cybersecurity and well-being, navigating this dynamic environment is no casual stroll in the park—it's a serious task. Every click, every share, and every upload can open doors to unprecedented opportunities or unforeseen vulnerabilities. Thus, taking cyber risks seriously is not just a matter of precaution, but a fundamental principle for those who seek to thrive in this constantly evolving digital ecosystem.

What Are the Most Common Types of Cyber-Attacks, And Which Vulnerabilities Do They Exploit?

Counting the Costs of Cybercrime is a three-part series. In part one, we highlighted the impacts of cyber related crimes on your organisation. The damage caused by a cyber incident can be reduced to the acronym: "CIA"(Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability). Refer to the link here for part one.

This part provides an overview of the most common and successful cyber-attacks and the vulnerabilities that are being exploited.

Counting the Costs of Cybercrime. What Is the Impact of Cybercrime on My Company?

Cybercrime is growing as the use of the internet and business networks expand. Today, more than ever, businesses of all sizes rely on their networks, data and internet connectivity to conduct business. In this three-part series, we look at cybercrime's impact, how it is perpetrated, and what you can do about it. In this part, David Cohen looks at the impact of cybercrime on your business.